The Harley Medical Group reveals men's careers push them into
on: May 7, 2009, 9:35 am
Author: The
Harley Medical Group
Industry: Healthcare
Harley Medical Group has reported that UK men are becoming more
preoccupied with their appearance, especially within four key
career areas. The increase in awareness and anxiety amongst men
that their bodies may not look their best, has been met with an
explosion in the number of slang terms for unwanted areas of the
male body, along with rise in the number of operations to remove

cosmetic surgery operation to reduce male breast tissue, or 'moobs',
is now relatively commonplace, but the removal of 'Simon Cowells'
(modern day rhyming slang for jowls), and the removal of 'mandles'
(male love handles) are also becoming more popular than ever.
demand for male
cosmetic surgery is in part being driven by long working hours
and work stress, according to the UK's largest cosmetic surgery
provider, The Harley Medical Group. An audit of the most common
career choices amongst the UK's burgeoning male cosmetic surgery
market revealed that some punishing careers appear to be taking
their toll on British males, who are now seeking the help of the
UK's leading surgeons to turn back the clock.
audit was carried out by The
Harley Medical Group, which has carried out more than 55,000
procedures on British males and showed a recent 26% year-on-year
increase in male surgery. The audit also revealed that male patients
over the last 12 months are predominantly from four career areas:
Bankers and city workers
Civil Service
Politics, Public affairs and local councils
Professional Services - legal and accountancy
Frati, Surgeon, The Harley Medical Group commented, "The
bad diets, punishing hours and stress that often goes hand in
hand with these types of professions make men prime candidates
for premature aging. We're not surprised to see a trend emerge
for professions most likely to opt for surgery as the side-effects
of a punishing job can cause the loss of skin elasticity and encourage
build up of stubborn fat in key areas."
on 'mandles' and 'moobs', face
lifts including mini-face lifts to improve the jowls, or 'Simon
Cowells', are amongst the most popular male procedures in 2009.
and Otoplasty
are also proving popular; particularly amongst male cosmetic surgery
patients aged 25-35, and 'Boytox' (Botox for men) - continues
to be very popular, up 12% year-on-year.
Dale, Director of The Harley Medical Group, commented, "There
is no doubt that in some areas, men are feeling more under pressure
to look the part as the work place becomes increasingly competitive."
patients considering cosmetic surgery should ensure that their
surgeon is trained and registered in the GMC Specialist Register
as a Plastic Surgeon and ensure that their first consultation
is carried out by a medical professional. All consultations at
The Harley Medical Group are carried out by a fully qualified
Cosmetic Surgery Nurse Counsellor. The Harley Medical Group has
been established for 25 years and has 26 clinics in the UK.
The Harley Medical Group:
The Harley Medical Group is the UK's largest cosmetic surgery
provider, performing more procedures and with more clinics than
any other cosmetic surgery provider. It has been established for
over 25 years and is one of the most highly-regarded Cosmetic
Surgery Groups operating in the UK. It has conducted over 435,000
procedures to date.
Harley Medical Group is renowned for introducing and pioneering
most new surgical and non surgical techniques to the UK and Irish
markets. All new treatments and techniques are first thoroughly
researched and tested before they are submitted for approval by
the Group's Medical Advisory Committee, as being suitable for
application by the Group's fully trained and specialized Plastic
Surgeons, Doctors and Treatment Nurses.
Harley Medical Group media contact:
Hannah Walsh
Rain Communications UK
2 Greycoat Place
T: 020 7222 4345
F: 020 7222 2472
M: 07966 468 307